The Data Supply Chain Platform. Safely bringing your business data to AI.

The right data, the right way, ensuring accurate and reliable results from AI Analytics.

Verodat gathers and prepares your data so it can be safely used by AI analytics tools to solve practical business problems, faster.

Data Supply Chain

Get AI Ready with Verodat Data Supply Chain Platform

A SaaS tool that automates how you collect, prepare and supply data to AI in an intuitive application. The Verodat platform manages your data supply, delivering a verified and trusted data layer, enriched with the key components critical for AI success.

Get the right data on your side.

Start collecting, preparing and supplying the right data automatically.
Verodat enables the right decision-making for your business.

Key Features

Introducing Lean AI Data Management.

Simple, Accessible, Trusted


Source & Integrate Data from across your business without the need for large data management projects. Automate supplier requests and create a steady supply of up to date data.


Clean and correct data to deliver trusted insights. Instantly resolve data gaps and errors, removing roadblocks and analysis errors.


Supports easy access to data in applications like Excel. Verodat also facilitates the switching on of AI Co-Pilot tools in these applications for a user-familiar experience.


Opens up the door to AI Assistants and Analysts through GPTs. Powered by the right data, you can now trust GPT outcomes, assured of their reliability and accuracy.


Have Questions? Look no further, our FAQ sections is here to provide you with answers.

What is a Data Supply Chain?

A data supply chain organises the flow of data similar to how a traditional supply chain manages physical goods. It clearly specifies what data is needed, orders it accordingly, and checks that the received data matches the specifications. This ensures the supply of data used is accurate and reliable.

What is the difference between a Data Supply Chain and a Data Pipeline?

A data supply chain encompasses the entire lifecycle of data, from creation to consumption. It results in a more enriched data layer, comprising of data complete with context, supply status and attribution. In contrast, a data pipeline has a narrower scope, focusing on the technical aspects of moving and transforming data within specific workflows.

Why do you need a Data Supply Chain for AI?

A data supply chain is crucial for AI because it ensures that high-quality, relevant data is consistently available throughout the AI model development and deployment process.  By maintaining data accuracy, completeness, and timeliness, the data supply chain supports robust model training and evaluation, which are essential for creating reliable and effective AI systems. Moreover, it incorporates data governance and compliance measures, ensuring data security and privacy, which are critical in AI applications.

What kind of AI can you use with a Data Supply Chain?

Once you arrive at an enriched data layer with Verodat, AI needs have been inbuilt by design. This means that there are a whole host of AI solutions that can be employed easily and safely. From Co-Pilots in your existing tools, to GPTs to support data narratives, activating AI in the business is no longer a tech and expertise heavy endeavour.

Other resources

Discover more information on our specific customer solutions or take a look at some more industry resources.