The role of the Sustainability Manager may vary from industry to industry, but their reliance on data remains the same.

Often faced with multiple entities such a subsidiaries, operations, plants and factories or portfolio companies, a sustainability manager needs good, complete and current data in order to do their job.


Sustainability Managers Need Knowledge

In order to do their job effectively, they need to be able to answer questions such as:


What is the company’s current carbon footprint across all operations?


What is the company’s year-over-year progress toward sustainability targets?


What sustainability risks does the company face, and how are they being mitigated?


Which sustainability initiatives are most cost-effective and have the highest impact?

The Answers Are Hard To Find

The data you need, hidden among the data you don’t.

  • Total energy consumption (kWh, BTUs) and scope emissions
  • Water usage or waste tonnage per product or operation
  • Supplier sustainability performance (GHG emissions, water usage, waste generation
  • Employee demographics and wage data
  • Financial data and sustainability costings
  • etc

Spread across multiple siloed systems and data suppliers.

  • Analytics tools eg Excel / PowerBi
  • Energy management systems
  • HR, Finance, payroll systems
  • GHG Tracking Software:
  • ERP Systems
  • Utility suppliers like water or energy
A Simple Solution

How Does Verodat Help?

Verodat provides a platform that allows you to easily bring together all the data you need in one place.

With AI Readiness by design, the data is formatted, standardised and perfected to meet the needs of AI tools.

The outcome? A data layer enriched with context, supply status and attribution, the critical elements needed to ensure AI effectiveness.

A data layer ready to fuel the AI tools you use in your business, efficiently and safely.

With an AI Ready data layer, a Sustainability Manager can now easily build and share the AI analytics they need to perform their tasks. Answering the key questions quickly and with confidence in the results.

Let’s look at some scenarios of HOW this can be used.

You want easy access to your data.

Verodats Excel Add in means that your data can be easily and immediately brought into Excel (or any of the main analytics tools on the market) from right across your business. This gives you the data you need, in a tool you and your team already use, for easy access and review.

You want to analyse your data

With high-quality data now readily available in Excel. You and your team can now use a tool you’re familiar with to find new insights and quickly and efficiently build out new reports without the need for extensive data prep.

You have a question about an emissions number that appears in your spreadsheet.

With one click you can navigate to the Verodat uploaded data in your workbook, view the data’s supply status and check the provenance of the claim number right back to a certified audit trail provided by Verodat. Ensuring you know who and where and how that information was obtained.

You need to build a CSR Report

With an AI Ready Data Layer, you and your team can easily switch on Excel copilot to analyse all the organisations social responsibility activities. Augmenting your team’s skills with AI to upskill their ability to analyse and build complex formulas.

Finance needs granular and up to date metrics on your sustainability spend but the CEO only needs the top level highlights:

Automate briefing notes sent directly to your colleagues. Easily scaled and personalised per recipient to focus only on the key points they need, in a format that suits them. For example, the CFO gets a weekly email with a detailed cost benefit analysis of sustainability initiatives whereas the CEO might get an audio file, giving them a quick run-down of the headlines once a month.

Your report creates more questions to be investigated - The CEO needs some additional insight into a specific initiative’s progress before a board meeting.

A Verodat powered chatbot, trained on your AI Ready Data offers a chat interface where they can ask questions of the data and receive natural language responses. If a question like what division is underperforming in their recycling targets?comes up in the meeting, they can simply ask the chat and get a verified answer in seconds.

The same questions keep coming up

When your team is using the Verodat chatbot to ask additional questions on your reports, you can analyse questions being asked and log and track them in Verodat. This will help you uncover what data your team need to do their job and easily add additional personalised reports based on these regular queries.

You want to Optimise Your Waste Management Process:

With AI ready data and a trained model managed by Verodat, AI can monitor predefined events such as a change in waste data, output requirements, or even external factors like new regulatory requirements or threat of environmental risks.  You can then automate triggers in your workflows to carry out actions based on the event – i.e a email alert to the relevant waste management provider to change the collection schedule.

You’re Looking for A Competitive Advantage for Sustainable Investment:

When working off Verodats AI ready data, AI predictive models can assess and predict environmental risks associated with different regions and operations, helping managers make informed decisions about project locations and sustainability investments.

The auditor knocks on your door

Verodat makes it easy to defend your decision making and meet your audit and regulatory requirements . Your data in your Verodat workplace has full supply status and attribution included, so you can trace your end reports right back to the point of origin. If you’ve used AI in your reports, the context, supply status and attribution means that the outcomes are fully verifiable, defensible and repeatable.

AI for Today

Verodat can be deployed into your business quickly and efficiently.

Verodat fits seamlessly into the existing tools your team already use and are familiar with, reducing adoption and change management challenges and allowing you immediate access to the benefits of AI.

Verodat offers a new operating model to your business. A simpler, more efficient way to augment your team with the many benefits of both existing AI and future innovations.

To find out more about Verodat, get in touch with one of our experts.

Other Use Cases

Verodat has benefitted organisations across many roles and industries.