Introducing | Verodat Data Supply Chain Platform

Welcome to Verodat.

Verodat is a user-friendly SaaS platform that ensures your data is AI-ready. We provide the right data in the right way to power AI to give you a deeper understanding of your business.

Who Are We?

Ever before AI entered the workplace, the people behind Verodat were in the business of solving data problems. We’ve spent over 12 years working with business leaders to help get the most out of their data. For most of that time, we were refining a design system to help us build solutions. Faster, cheaper and more reliable for our clients.

We soon realised many data management processes were flawed. As the big data movement grew, so did the scope of data projects. Companies without access to large data ops or analyst teams were unable to achieve what they wanted from their data. In order to fix this problem, we have spent years fine tuning a new approach, flipping how data quality is addressed. Allowing data to be efficiently managed by all stakeholders.

Enter AI

While AI had long been creeping into business tools, the arrival of Gen AI in 2022 took things to a whole new level. The initial hype of promised revolutionary applications for business was quickly dulled by a single realisation. AI technology might have taken a leap forward but data management process were firmly stuck in the past.

We quickly identified that this disconnect was a critical blocker to AI adoption. Without the right data, delivered the right way – trusted AI adoption was almost impossible.

For the last two years we have set out to remove this blocker, further adapting our data supply chain platform to meet the needs of AI. We spent time in Harvard-MIT, worked closely with business leaders, data analysts and AI builders and are proud to launch Verodat. The Supply Chain Platform bringing your business data to AI.

What Does Verodat Do?

Put simply, Verodat gathers and prepares your data so it can be safely used by AI analytics tools to solve practical business problems, faster.

For AI to work, it needs more than good data, it needs enriched data that has context, supply status and attribution. Many traditional data management processes cannot provide this enrichment without large scale, expensive analyst projects. Verodat has removed this burden by offering a single platform for a streamlined data supply chain. Verodat is easily used by any organisation, regardless of their inhouse resources for data management.

This ultimately ensures a steady flow of safe, enriched data into whatever AI tools a business wishes to use.

WATCH NOW | Easily Access AI Tools with Verodat

What’s Next

Stay tuned for lots of exciting updates coming over the next few weeks. We will be sharing some behind the scenes of our recent launch in the home of AI Innovation, San Francisco.

We also have some exciting working examples of Verodat and AI in action on the way, some of which will be open to everyone to play with.

Make sure to sign up to our newsletter below to be kept up to date.


Other resources

Check out some of our additional resources and find out why the future of AI for business depends on data.